The ultimate local support Wishlist

I have to admit, that corona stuff is getting on my nerves. I had inspiration to write, but the drive to make a bunch of posts to entertain had been drained because of it. Everything is uncertain, yet one certainty is still present: Christmas is coming and it is something I feel which comes justContinue reading “The ultimate local support Wishlist”

Sunday Favourites: Take care Edition

Officially tired about “the noise”! All those news stories, opinions & rules being broken, but what I’m even more concerned about is our state of mind. Autumn is the period where we all seek warmth and coziness and this time it will have to be different. Now that Covid is getting very close to me,Continue reading “Sunday Favourites: Take care Edition”

Sunday favourites II

Sun is shining, wind is blowing, time to slow down and enjoy the beauty in everything. To ease our minds in crazy times, I just share some pretty things that make me smile, happy & dream away. I am not the person to spend hours in the kitchen, but when I prepare food it doesContinue reading “Sunday favourites II”